Travel Support

  • Travel to the approved leadership conferences will be processed at the cohort members’ home institutions.



All overnight travel requests – day-time only, as well as overnight –  now require submission of the pre-approval form via CARAT UMBC Travel System.  


  • In an effort to standardize business processes, beginning July 1st, 2024, CARAT will roll-out guidance on grant-funded travel for PIs, Co-PIs, project affiliates, participants, graduate students, and undergraduate students. This information pertains to travel pre-approvals and reimbursements in the UMBC Travel System.


  • Breaking the M.O.L.D. funds are administered by CARAT. When requesting your approved funding, you must select your grant manager, Dr. Tatiana Mann, as an additional approver for both the pre-approval and reimbursement so that they can review the request. Failure to do so may result in inadequate grant funding for the travel and alternative payment methods may be pursued.


  • After the pre-approval has been completed, login to the CARAT RT Ticket System and use the travel options under Business Services to request use of a P-card to charge allowable costs to your grant.  Allowable costs on the P-card include: conference registration fees, domestic hotel rooms, parking, and taxes. International hotel charges cannot be paid using a P-card and should be paid for by the traveler and reimbursed.


For further guidance, please visit the Travel FAQs on CARAT’s website and the UMBC Business Services Travel Page.


  • If you need to make an approved purchase, including registration for an-online conference or workshop using your Breaking the M.O.L.D. funding, you need to submit a request here:  RT system
  • To connect your funding request to Breaking the M.O.L.D. please search for Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please reach out to Dr. Tatiana Mann: